
Move with greater balance, embodiment, and ease

I help people learn to move better to keep doing the things they love as difficulties arise through life. I’m passionate about helping people do this in the most intelligent and positive way by gently accessing their brain’s incredible capacity to create transformative changes.

What is the Feldenkrais Method?

Feldenkrais is a remarkable method of neuromuscular re-education. In essence, it helps you move better, sense yourself better, and get unstuck from habitual patterns of tension and limitation.

On one level, it's about movement- you'll find ways to move with greater balance, flexibility, strength, efficiency and ease. Beyond this, you'll learn to listen to your body, reconnect and develop a relationship to yourself of empathy and trust.

“Through mindful movement, we can learn to access the intelligence of our bodies and tap into our innate ability to heal and transform ourselves.”

Woman lying on a soft towel covered table, in a 1–1 Feldenkrais session with Hannah

1:1 sessions

Private individual sessions in central Chichester

You can work with me privately in 1:1 sessions in central Chichester which we'll tailor to your individual needs. In a typical session you'll lie clothed on a table and I use touch to guide you through movement.

1:1s offer an opportunity to delve deep into your movement habits with a high level of attention, care, sensitivity and support.

Group Classes & Workshops

Online and in-person Feldenkrais classes

I teach online and in person at The Body Suite studios in Chichester. See my class schedule, pricing and how to book via the Body Suite website.

Group classes guide you to listen deeply to your body as you move. You discover how to release tension and reset to ways of moving with greater freedom, power and ease.

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How does it work?

Neuroplasticity, embodiment, ease

Raise your hand a moment. How did you do it? Which muscles worked? Which pathway did your hand move in?

That simple action subconsciously resulted from multiple layers of information in your brain from how you learnt to move, how you responded in times of injury or stress, your social conditioning and so on.

Our movement habits are deeply tied in with who we are and how we act and feel. But sometimes our movement patterns may no longer serve us or even keep us stuck in discomfort.

Feldenkrais helps you recognise your habits and start to explore new possibilities. Movement talks to your brain- through deliberate movement with attention we can give the brain the sensory information it needs to make transformative shifts. We create new pathways which integrate over time. This is neuroplasticity in action, and it’s solidly accessible to all.

Finding ways to move that are more comfortable and efficient help us feel better on multiple levels. Feldenkrais sessions cultivate a mindset of listening to ourselves and working with rather than against our body, helping us feel more embodied, empowered and at ease.

Feldenkrais is especially helpful as you age and mobility begins to decline and following times of injury, rapid change or stress when we need to reset, release muscular tension and adapt. Some people simply do Feldenkrais for leisure, to relax and reconnect and because learning to feel better in this way is addictive!

Feldenkrais is best understood when experienced, you can try a short ‘Awareness Through Movement’ lesson here.

Moshe Feldenkrais

Dr Moshe Feldenkrais (1904–84) was a pivotal figure in the science of somatic learning. He grew his method from his wide knowledge of physics, psychology, the martial arts and child development, and his fascination with how we learn to learn and how we can develop our human potential. You can read more about his truly fascinating life and work here.